Oils, Herbs and the Lord!!!!! Oh My!!!!!

My recent oil obsession extends beyond using the likes of grapeseed and vitamin E oil to moisturize my skin. I’ve also really gotten into using essential oils for aromatherapy lately, and these babies work surprisingly well for things like boosting concentration, helping with hangovers and general stress relief, I am loving this too much!!!!  and Herbs Oh my that is a whole nother blog in itself!!!!!!

I’m not new to essential oils entirely. A friend  introduced me to tea tree oil right at the time I was learning about herbs and ones that help with Stress. —I found out real quick that all the oils and lotions at  Bath & Body Works “Warm Vanilla Sugar” Spray — was full of toxic crap. So I started dabbing a little tea tree oil on my neck and wrists instead, sometimes mixing it up with peppermint or cedarwood or rose hip seed oil. They all smelled so pretty! I had no idea, however, about potential skin/health/brain benefits. Really had no idea at all what these Oils could do and how healthy they were for you, so of course I was off on a New Adventure and this one is a good one, I started downloading all e-books I could find, going to the Health food stores and finding out all the Information I could on everything but especially on how to reduce stress thru Oils and Herbs and Wow, is all I can say!!!!!!!!

I’ve since learned that rose hip seed oil has anti-aging and skin-healing properties. Cedarwood oil  can be an insect repellent (try combining with citronella oil). Tea tree oil is also good as an acne spot treatment, an antibacterial agent and — when combined with peppermint & vinegar — a kitchen counter cleaner that doesn’t make me want to die (can’t stand the smell of most houses on cleaning day).

But only very recently have I begun to appreciate the effects of essential oils on moods and matters of the mind. Lavender, lemon balm, eucalyptus … name an essential oil and it’s alleged to help with some specific mood or mind matter. It’s tempting to dismiss it all has hippie nonsense — I did, for years — but there’s actually been quite a bit of scientific research done on aromatherapy in general and some essential oils in particular.

Here are a few of the best essential oils for relieving stress, promoting good moods and improving mental focus at the same time.

Lavender. Lavender oil is considered one of — perhaps the most –medicinally useful botanical for stress relief, anxiety relief and short-term memory improvement. The lavender plant contains compounds called linalool and linalyl acetate that can pass through the blood-brain-barrier and quickly affect brain activity. In an April 2012 study, volunteers underwent mood assessments and brain scans after inhaling lavender oil. Compared to a control group, the lavender oil group categorized themselves as more relaxed but also sharper; brain scans showed increased activity in theta and alpha brain waves, associated with the conscious mind being disengaged.

Lemon balm. The herb lemon balm (aka Melissa) has been used medicinally for hundreds of years. In Europe, it’s still commonly used to help with stress, anxiety and insomnia. But though lemon balm is known to calm the mind, it can also improve memory and increase ability to concentrate and solve problems. In a 2003 study, British students given lemon balm capsules performed better on computer memory tests and tests of calmness. There’s also been research demonstrating its positive brain benefits for dementia patients when used as aromatherapy.

Rosemary. Rosemary aromatherapy can reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol, promoting calm and contentment, while simultaneously boosting mood and mental performance. A recent study showed a compound in rosemary oil (1,8-cineole) can help improve mental speed and accuracy.

Vanilla. So the Bath & Body Works vanilla spray had to go, but vanilla itself — pure vanilla — is a great scent to have around. According to a study from the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, patients who breathed vanilla-scented air while undergoing MRIs reported 63% less anxiety than an unscented air group. The scent appears to have general mood enhancing and stress relieving affects; it may also improve cognitive performance thanks to its anti-inflammatory power.

This superb aromatic essential oil blend contributes actively to your quest for serenity and relaxation. Thanks to their relaxing olfactive properties, the selected aromatic extracts facilitate a good mental balance and help to manage the daily pressure in case of tension, of temporary stress.The delicate fragrance of cedarwood Atlas and the lemony aromatic accents give real olfactive pleasure. – See more at: http://www.puzhen.com/zen-essential-oil.html/#sthash.G868Kt0Z.dpuf


Ylang Ylang

This essential oil has great benefits to heart health. It resolves issues such as palpitations of the heart, eases the body tension and helps to balance the hormones of the body. It also has high therapeutic effects to ensure that people sleep well at night after the stress of the day. It is also good for the skin especially for skin tones that range from normal to dry skins. Essentially, Ylang Ylang stands out in a niche of its own.


This essential oil is the key in boosting the immune system and it is also very important in handling issues that relate to menopause in women. It balances the hormones in the body and it is also good for mature skin and can be used for other forms of skin care. Generally, geranium calms the nerves and it uplifts and balances the body system.


Both historically and in line with ancient traditions, this oil has a rich background. Botanically known as Boswellia Carterii, this oil is quite soothing and calming. It is one of the best options in putting the body and soul at ease. This beautifully fragranced and richly endowed oil works against various forms of irritation and lack of sleep. As with most essential oils, it is also good for the body and helps to relieve the nerves when it is tense or exhausted. Frankincense is a good option and delivers high value to its users.


This essential oil which is also known as sunshine oil. Botanically known as Citrus Bergamia, it helps in ensuring that energy flows freely throughout the body. It is also good to handle emotionally based issues (anxiety, stress and depression can easily be handled with the use of this essential oil). The beauty of this product is that the user can determine how best to work the application on the body. It can be used strictly as a bath product or for body use.


Premenstrual syndrome can sometimes lead to hormonal imbalance and this can lead to certain levels of discomfort to our nerves. Rose essential oil is very good for handling this issue. It is good on the nerves and also very calming and soothing to the skin. It is pertinent to note that some individuals have a uniquely sensitive skin and when this scenario arises, the best bet is to make use of rose essential oil.


While passionflower has long been considered a “folk remedy” for anxiety and insomnia, a few studies have shown that the herb may actually be comparable in effectiveness to benzodiazepine drugs, which are used to treat stress. Though not proven, it is believed that passionflower works by increasing levels of a chemical called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain. This lowers the activity of some brain cells, making you feel more relaxed.

Passionflower is available in a variety of forms, including infusions, teas, liquid extracts and tinctures. It is not recommended for children or for women who are pregnant or nursing. Consult your doctor before adding it to your diet, especially if you are taking other medications.

As you can see there are many many Oils for Stress Relief and then there are Blends already made up that you can just spray on yourself, I still have a lot of research to do, but I am loving this and I hope to have a great e-book done soon to help others who are in the position I was in just not that long ago, but it is not just the Oils and Herbs for which I highly believe they work so much better then any drug that can be prescribed to you but I also fully 100% believe that the Bible , the Word has done Wonders for me and my Stress levels, I have come to know God in such a way that our relationship has built up to an intimate one where I spend almost an hour each morning with him, and I meditate as well on the word that I have read that specific morning and when I do, I wait on the Lord to speak to me, the Lord has saved me these past few years, and Highly recommend that you start reading the Word, because without God in your Life, you will live in Darkness and no Oils or Herbs can help you then. I fully believe in keeping your body Healthy for that is where the Lords Spirit dwells , so my quest to keep  my body as Healthy as I can is coming from, then there is your Mind, Wow, your Mind , it has to be renewed Daily with the Lord’s word, Positive Alive Words that come only from the Lord, and of course your Spirit!!!! and as long as you TAKE THE TIME TO BE WITH THE LORD , YOUR SPIRIT WILL GROW EACH DAY,  and you will start feeling and everyone will start seeing such  a huge difference in you because your Living for the Lord now and that makes each day worth living. Each day is a Gift, so don’t waste another day, take it and rejoice in it, no matter what your going thru, Rejoice!!!!! Sing the Praises of the Lord!!!!  Be Grateful every day for what the Lord has given you and you will find out real soon how Happy your Inner Heart will become. God Bless!!!!!!!!

This superb aromatic essential oil blend contributes actively to your quest for serenity and relaxation. Thanks to their relaxing olfactive properties, the selected aromatic extracts facilitate a good mental balance and help to manage the daily pressure in case of tension, of temporary stress.The delicate fragrance of cedarwood Atlas and the lemony aromatic accents give real olfactive pleasure. – See more at: http://www.puzhen.com/zen-essential-oil.html/#sthash.G868Kt0Z.dpuf
This superb aromatic essential oil blend contributes actively to your quest for serenity and relaxation. Thanks to their relaxing olfactive properties, the selected aromatic extracts facilitate a good mental balance and help to manage the daily pressure in case of tension, of temporary stress.The delicate fragrance of cedarwood Atlas and the lemony aromatic accents give real olfactive pleasure. – See more at: http://www.puzhen.com/zen-essential-oil.html/#sthash.G868Kt0Z.dpuf

Shifts in the Seasons and Keeping Your Immune System on Track!!!!

A shift in seasons always calls for the immune system to go on high-alert as your body adjusts to the new climate. Ancient Ayurvedic traditions call for a cleanse not only during the Spring time, but also during the Fall! I wanted to share with you a few simple tips that I use to boost my immune system during this time of year:

detox smoothie

1. By regulating my sleep cycle (aka Circadian Rhythm) while everything around me is changing, my body knows what to expect in at least one area of my life. Going to bed and waking around the same time every day, I find I have more energy and I’m also happier!


2. Add a slice of ginger, lemon and a bit of raw, organic (ideally local) honey to your herbal tea in the morning. This isn’t just a cold and flu remedy, it’s a medicinal and immune boosting recipe that you can use to prevent yourself from falling victim of the cold your co-worker or child brought into your environment.

3. Because it’s getting cold out where we live, we’re cooking a lot more. I use herbs that support a healthy digestive tract and boost immune system in as many meals as possible. Here are my favorites: Ginger, Garlic, Cinnamon and Turmeric. Surprisingly, these all actually taste delicious together when you sauté or steam dark leafy greens and toss them with coconut oil. Check out here on this image 20 different uses for Coconut Oil and I have much more where that came from…….

20 amazing uses of Coconut oil

4. Reducing Stress. A pretty obvious reason why most of us get run down or feel low energy and in this day and age, stress is becoming a default emotion for many of us. With all of our responsibilities, priorities and goals to accomplish, life can get overwhelming. I invite you to do whatever it takes to clear out even 5 minutes of stress from your day, to do something that nourishes your mind, body and spirit. I like to do yoga in our living room, close my eyes and do some slow, rhythmic breathing, or go for a walk outside to look at the fall trees.  

5. Have a hot, detoxifying bath at least once per week.Here’s a basic detox bath recipe for you:

Fill your tub with hot water
Add 1-2 cups of Epsom Salts and/or
Add 1-2 cups of Baking Soda
Sit in the bath for at least 20 minutes, 30 or 40 is even better if you can to let your body absorb the minerals and magnesium from the salts.

This bath recipe will aid in detoxifying the body, particularly drawing out anything in excess that may be lingering, improving digestion and reducing inflammation of muscles and joints.

Garlic…..Not Just Used for Getting rid of Vampires Anymore!!!!!!

Garlic is a vegetable and is a species of the onion genus. Garlic is often used to add flavor to recipes and dishes. However, garlic can also be used as a medicine to prevent or treat a wide range of aliments and diseases.









Garlic cloves contain many vital nutrients including vitamins, amino acids, and enzymes. Garlic contains sulfur compounds from the amino acid allicin, which is most noted for producing garlic’s powerful odor.


Why you should eat garlic raw:


When the garlic is cooked this prohibits the garlic’s ability to make allicin. Allicin is one of the primary components of garlic that gives it its health benefits, including the ability to prevent cancer. Allicin is produced in garlic when the garlic enzyme alliinase is cut or chewed. However, when the garlic is cooked alliinase is then inactivated which causes allicin to not be produced.


Before consuming the garlic it is best to allow the cut or crushed garlic to be exposed to the air for at least 5 to 10 minutes in order for the compounds to become fully activated.


How do you incorporate garlic into your daily diet?

There’s two options:


  1. Add the garlic to your meal or add it to a green juice or smoothie.
  2. Cut a clove of garlic into small pieces and swallow the small pieces one at a time. (with a meal)



10 Reasons Why you should eat garlic daily:

1. Garlic Contains a High Amount of Antioxidants – The antioxidants destroy free radicals and reduce overall oxidative stress. Free radicals can damage DNA and cell membranes. High levels of oxidative stress have been associated with many diseases and conditions. Antioxidants are also beneficial for preventing types of cancer.

2. Garlic Lowers Your Cholesterol– A study found that the consumption of garlic reduced cholesterol by 9 to 12 percent. Reductions were noted in LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides.

3. Garlic is Antibacterial– Garlic acts as a natural antibiotic. It is able to eliminate harmful bacteria but does not kill off healthy bacteria as chemical antibiotics do.

4. Garlic is Anti-fungal– Garlic’s Allicin is also responsible for destroying fungi. Many use garlic as a means of eliminating fungal infections.

5. Garlic Thins the Blood– Garlic consumption has been shown to thin the blood which can aid in preventing heart disease, the formation of blood clots, heart attacks and stroke.

6. Garlic Boosts Your Immune System– Garlic has strong antiviral properties. To many in Russia, garlic was known as “Russian Penicillin” due to its abilities to effectively treat infections. A study found that garlic is effective at preventing and treating the common cold. It found that those who consumed garlic had significantly fewer colds and the length of their cold was shortened compared to those who did not eat garlic.

7. Garlic Lowers Risk of Atherosclerosis: Studies suggest that garlic may prevent blood clots and destroy plaque which contribute to the development of atherosclerosis.

8. Garlic Lowers Your Blood Pressure- Garlic has been used in China for many years as blood pressure medication. Additionally, the Japanese government officially recognized garlic as a blood-pressure depressor.

9. Garlic Helps Your Joints– A study found that those who eat high amounts of garlic were less likely to have osteoarthritis.

10.Garlic Prevents Cancer- Increased intake of garlic has been found to be associated with the reduced risk of certain cancers. This includes cancers of the stomach, colon, esophagus, pancreas, and breast.

the health benefits of garlic



Lemon Water and So Many Health Benefits!!!!

    Improve Your Health with the Benefits of Lemon Water If there is one thing that I can’t go a day without, it’s a glass of lemon water in the morning. Drinking a glass of lemon water every morning … Continue reading